Yellowstone National Park

Why Traveling Is Good For The Soul

By: Meredith Miller
Published February 6, 2019

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”

       I was recently ‘passengering’ (verb: the act of being a passenger) in the RV (eventually I’ll drive…maybe…) on the way back to northern Illinois from Cheyenne, WY, flipping through a magazine I’d picked up. One of the titles of an article asked,  

"What do you do to feel more energized?"

Energize Travel


  I looked up. “What do I do to feel more energized?” I thought to myself. The answer was literally right in front of me:


Why is travel energizing, and why is it good for the soul?

One of my favorite quotes is,

“Travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer.”

And it’s so true! You become richer mentally, physically, you’re more prone to try new things. When you learn to try new experiences and are able to experience the world through a fresh pair of eyes, you are more understanding. More kind, more humble, more in tune with Earth, and with yourself.

Travel humbles you.

    You are reminded every day when you’re traveling and staying in a new place that the world is


and you are small.

It can be so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day life; it happened to me. I worked in the same place for a few years, and eventually I started to believe that that workplace was my life, that anything that happened in that place or in that town was a big deal. I woke up, I went to work, I got home, I slept, repeat. It’s easy to get caught up in a small town and small-town thinking when that’s all you’re surrounded by. 

Travel reduces stress.

As a result of my repetitive schedule, I was stressed. And maybe I didn’t feel stressed all the time – maybe somedays were good days. But I was stressed to be in one place, and in the back of my mind I knew that there was so much more to life than Algonquin, Illinois. When I go somewhere new, I feel free. And it’s hard to be stressed when you feel like you’re flying.

White Water Rafting Snake River

Money is a renewable resource, time isn’t.

So do what you want with it! You can always go back to work, pick up that extra shift, trade your precious time for working for someone else’s dream. When Randy and I were out in Grand Teton National Park for 3 weeks in the summer of 2017, we really wanted to go white water rafting. The funny thing is, it wasn’t cheap but I don’t remember the cost, I only remember the experience. And now I don’t have to say that we almost went white water rafting in the Tetons, we did. Traveling is about living with no regrets.


And I'm looking for space, and to find out who I am..."

John Denver

Traveling shifts your perspective.

You become a better person and learn how to become more selfless. We share this Earth with 7 billion other people – and there’s no reason to feel superior to anyone. It doesn’t matter where you are, people will always be having the same struggles as you are, the same thoughts as you – the only thing being unkind makes you is unkind. Travel keeps that door open to realizing that

in a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Hiking Teton national park

So get out and travel – The world is your oyster!

Which I looked up the meaning of, BTW. It means,

 “You are in a position to take the opportunities that life has to offer!”

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