Best of the Interstate Logo


Most frequent questions and answers is a simple, easy-to-use website database of all U.S. interstates and their exits. Motorists and people planning their road trips can use the ‘Best of‘ to plan which exits they’d like to explore along their journey! advertises on billboards, radio, print, and social media. Our billboards are spread across the country, located on or near interstates. They direct travelers to any of the,, etc., and

Below shows where our current billboards are located.

Updated 1/9 Billboards

The provides frustrated business owners facing overpriced interstate billboards a more effective, low-cost solution. It allows owners to market coast-to-coast while keeping more money in their business.

It also gives your future customers an opportunity to find and learn about your business miles before your exit – so they can confidently plan to stop and see why your business is the Best of the Interstate!

Your listing will be located on your interstate’s page, at whichever exit number you operate near. The listing will provide your website link, directions, phone number, and a video* of your business.

Sample Listing Below:

Sample Business Listing

*Video shot and produced free for you if you sign up for the yearly membership! 

We help save your business money! How?

(1) We advertise nationally using outdoor media, online campaigns, and radio. This keeps your monthly cost down, as instead of overpaying for a local monthly billboard, you pay a small fee that allows customers to find your listing and plan to visit your business before they even leave their driveways.

(2) Unlike other travel review sites/clubs, ‘Best of’ focuses on quality rather than quantity. This means that a motorist can be sure that the business listed is clean/well-kept/friendly. This in turn leads to repeat and word-of-mouth business. is a great addition to a local billboard! Local billboards are usually within 1-10 miles from the business advertising’s exit. We call those, “Exit Now! Boards.” This means that your customers have only a short amount of time to make the decision to get off and visit your business. gives tourists a chance to educate themselves on your business before even seeing the billboard/exit. Your listing provides your customers with the confidence to exit the interstate and visit your business – already approved as the Best of The Interstate – plan ahead for the extra stop, or even make your business their destination!

Consistent Branding in our Marketing! Best of the Interstate has the same URL for each individual interstate. So, when a motorist goes online after seeing a billboard near Orlando advertising the, they learn (for example) that they can plan next year’s trip on I-5 from California to Washington using! Thesame is true for any U.S. interstate.

Best of the Interstate

Our website is designed to be simple and user-friendly. Your customers will find you by going to or going directly to the interstate you are located near’s website – i.e., 

They can then select any exit listed on that interstate’s page to see what is at each exit, and add your business to their list of stops along their journey! It’s that simple!

Unlike crowded review sites and “clubs,” focuses on the quality of the business rather than the quantity of businesses. This helps assure consumers that the businesses listed really are Best of the Interstate – friendly, well-kept and fun destinations!

To join, you can contact us here and tell us why your business is The Best. We will send one of our crew members out to personally meet you and learn why your business needs to be listed! 

When you join the Best of The Interstate, you not only save money on advertising; you are reaching millions of more customers and travelers each month! Your listing allows customers to:

(1) learn that your business exists, where it exists, and what you offer,

(2) have confidence that your business is worth stopping at (they already know your business is the Best of the Interstate!), 

(3) plan ahead so they can stop and visit! and all its subsequent ‘Bestof…‘ pages (i.e.,, etc.) came from the fact that there are too many complicated travel websites – none of which do a great job of telling travelers where something is, or that only help a tourist plan for their trip’s destination, not their journey. 

Convenient as the Interstate is for traveling, we decided to create a database that would be just as convenient and easy-to-use that tourists and road-trippers could use while traveling the interstates – something that would educate a traveler in advance on what’s at each exit to make the journey along the interstates just as exciting as the destination!