
Best of The Interstate:
Shop Local Business Every Day

Published December 4, 2019

Small Business Saturday Every Day!

Some people call the Saturday after Thanksgiving, ‘Shop Small Saturday’ – a day dedicated to shopping at local, small businesses – supporting what we call the ‘backbone of the economy’.


According to a 2018 U.S. Small Business Administration report, small businesses make up 99.9% of all United States business. And that’s not everything: nearly half of the U.S. private work force is employed by small businesses – a whopping 47.5%!

Does that sound ‘small’ to you?

When you support a local ‘small’ business, you’re supporting a dream. When you buy local, an actual person does a happy dance. You are promoting the kind of world you want to live in when you shop local.

When you support a small business, you are supporting a dream.

Local business owners go the extra mile to make their customers happy. They have a vested interest in the well-being of the community, and you. They also offer more one-of-a-kind, quality products and services.

BOTI Official Destinations such as Frontier Relics & Auto Museum and Magpie Designs feature products made by local artisans.

Frontier Relics & Auto Museum Gillette
L to R: Lori, Falan, & Briana (co-owner)
Frontier Relics & Auto Museum
Plant-Based Plastics
Alla Lala Cupcakes & Sweet Things

So why do we only celebrate local businesses the Saturday after Thanksgiving? Let’s all opt to shop BIG-TIME at our local ‘small’ businesses!

Instead of opting for cheap, opt for well-made.

Instead of opting for mass-produced, purchase something that’s a one-of-a-kind.

Opt to support a dream.

And this doesn’t just apply to local ‘shopping’. Supporting local businesses other than retail, such as breweries, restaurants, museums, etc. – are just as important.

At the Best of The Interstate, we love supporting and promoting the best local businesses.

All of the owners of the ‘Best of The Interstate’ businesses have passion, vision, consistency, and love for what they do. And their passion spreads throughout their staff members, ensuring the best possible experiences for all of their guests, all of the time.

So Shop Local Business – Every Day!

Think you know of a business that could be the Best of The Interstate? Tell us!


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